Sunday, February 7, 2010

Lorazepam Before Pregnant Anxiety And How To I Get Over My Fears?

Anxiety and how to I get over my fears? - lorazepam before pregnant

I have many unrealistic fears and you'll sound silly, but here goes. I'm afraid in the shower. I admit it, because I all of my anxiety attacks in the shower makes me scared to death to take .. Even taking baths hatred, but of course every day, because the bathroom is important. I want to be able to take showers again .. although I am afraid to drive, not just in the dark, but at no time during the day, when I am alone. I'm so afraid that something happen, and not me .. I am also concerned with something happening to me in public, prevented me from working as becaue of my side effects of anxiety and pregnancy. I do not know what to do now .. I take lorazepam, 5 mg 3x daily for my anxiety, but apparently made it worse now that I'm pregnant .. Before pregnancy shower, car, work and time was allowed, 3x mg lorazepam 1 could take a day .. Now I do not know what to do .. Any tips?

1 comment:

  1. Of course, you should consult your doctor and for strength. It could be as simple as it is consumed in a morning instead of evening. Could it be that you need a little more during pregnancy.

    You need a radio put in the jets, so you can listen to music or the radio. I do not know where you saw happen that something and no one will know. Believe me, if remote control is also annoying neighbors, they know that you are there, much less to lose control of a car! If you are driving panic, pull out your cell phone. Discontinue programs in 911 final. Pull 911, if you are in the car and put it in your pocket or purse, next to you at your seat. If something happens, reach over and press send or talk, and you dial 911 for you. You are not alone.
