Saturday, February 6, 2010

Master Of Ceremonies - One Year Old Birthday I Have Been Asked To Be Master Of Ceremony At A 1 Year Old Birthday Party?

I have been asked to be master of ceremony at a 1 year old birthday party? - master of ceremonies - one year old birthday

How can I make a birthday party one year for a child. Greeting, how to cut the cake, while a clear agenda. A speech with biblical verses. Note: I was asked to be Master of Ceremonies


  1. You were serious?

    I think he may have requested that the "joke".

    Sure. I think someone pulls the leg.


  2. This is beyond crazy. Birthday parties for children, particularly for 1 years old, does not include speech and there is no need for a Master of Ceremonies. The boy does not pay attention to you and care even less what happened. Seriously, if these children's birthday parties are so complicated? When I was a child, was everything he was doing, happy birthday, sing, eat cake and open presents. Everyone was like birthdays, that only adults who are to eat and these things do not. The rest is an excessive friction. Assuming that the parents have asked that, as I have seen too many episodes of My Super Sweet Sixteen with all spoiled children, has high maintenance and does not need back to reality sounds.

    And cut a cake, stick the knife and cut into slices. This is not rocket science, and many children can do.

  3. Wow, a party
    Hire a clown

  4. Be creative and expressive as it is the birthday of a child, jokes or tricks

  5. You have no idea whether those who applied were serious, but they note that your question does not belong to this category of marriages. If your relationships or are honest, I would consider dressing as a top hat and tails and a list of favorite passages from Shakespeare. Yes, that is to make a difference in the game with Shakespeare. :-)

  6. The mother does, she will! They go further and help to hide the toys that the child is very possessive and trying to make sure there are plenty of toys that no one is angry. You are behind hundreds of children with paper towels. This also means that you will help the cake can. 1 years have received no patience for the whole world has its share at the same time. All adults should take two pieces of cake, and the number three on the front of each child. And above all, when you open the help distract the other children cry, do not receive a gift. Then, help clean up after the fact what they lysoling touched.

    Part 1, I is not nothing. He can barely walk. This is the 2nd and 3 Birthday that I should avoid.

    And yes, I heard from the speaker. It's a joke man calm down. Receives a title if you ask a friend to help that they so desperately need.
